
/Users/garethloy/Musimathics/Musimat1.2/MusimatTutorial/B0201a.cpp File Reference

#include "MusimatTutorial.h"

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 MusimatTutorialSection (B0201a)
Real pitchToHz (Pitch p)
Void para1 ()
Pitch hzToPitch (Real x)
Void para2 ()

Function Documentation

Pitch hzToPitch ( Real  x )

Definition at line 51 of file B0201a.cpp.

References pitchToHz().

                        {                                                               // find pitch closest to x Hz
        For(Integer k = 9+1; k < 88+9; k = k + 1) {                     // test from As0 to C8
                Pitch p = Pitch(k);                                                             // get pitch of k
                Real f = pitchToHz(p);                                                  // get frequency of p
                If (f > x)                                                                              // have we passed our target?
                        Return(p - 1);                                                          // return previous pitch
        // If we get here, the Hz value of x is beyond the end of the keyboard
        Return(C8);                                                                                     // out of range, clip at C8
MusimatTutorialSection ( B0201a   )

Definition at line 2 of file B0201a.cpp.

References para1(), and para2().

        Print("*** Equal-Tempered Frequency ***");
         Equal-Tempered Frequency
         Pitch provides a representation of scale degrees and does not 
         denote frequency. We can convert to frequency using any scale system we like, beginning with the 
         equal-tempered scale. We can compute the equal-tempered frequency of a Pitch, assuming a 
         reference such as A4 equals 440 Hz, by adapting equation (3.3), 
         f(k, v) = fR * 2^(v + k / 12), 
         to compute hertz values from chromatic scale degrees:
        para1(); // Step into this function to continue the tutorial
        para2(); // Step into this function to continue the tutorial
Void para1 (  )

Definition at line 27 of file B0201a.cpp.

References pitchToHz().

         A way to think about the expression in the Return() statement is as follows. Suppose the reference 
         pitch is 440 Hz, corresponding to A4. So we want the value returned from this function to equal 
         440.0 when p is A4. The triple for A4 is (9, 0, 4), so when pitchToHz() is called with A4, 
         we want to evaluate fR * 2^0, which can be achieved by subtracting 9 from the pitch and 4 from the 
         octave. Then, executing
         prints 440.0, and substituting any other pitch, regardless of how it is spelled, will produce its 
         proper hertz value. For example, A0 is 27.5 Hz, C4 is 261.63 Hz, and C8 is 4186.01 Hz.
         What if we have a frequency x in hertz and want to find its corresponding pitch? The problem 
         is that x may lie in between the pitches of the scale because x can be any frequency. One approach 
         is to compare x to each semitone on the keyboard from lowest frequency to highest, and to stop 
         when the keyboard frequency exceeds x. Then the key one semitone below is the closest corre-
         sponding pitch on the keyboard.
Void para2 (  )

Definition at line 62 of file B0201a.cpp.

         This code returns A0 if x is lower than or equal to A0, and it returns C8 if x is greater than or equal 
         to C8.
         Lists of Pitches
         We can collect pitches into lists:
        PitchList shave(C5, G4, G4, Ab4, G4, B4, C5); // shave and a haircut, 2 bits
         We can do arithmetic on all the pitches in a list. To transpose this pitch list up a whole step,
        Print( shave = shave + 2 );
         adds two degrees to every pitch in shave, and prints {D5, A4, A4, As4, A4, Cs5, D5}. 
         To transpose by an octave,
        Print( shave = shave * 2 );
         multiplies every pitch in the list by 2 and prints {D6, A5, A5, As5, A5, Cs6, D6}.
Real pitchToHz ( Pitch  p )

Definition at line 20 of file B0201a.cpp.

References key(), and R.

        Real R = 440.0;                                                                                         // reference frequency
        Real key = PitchClass(p) + Accidental(p);                                       // get key index
        Real oct = Octave(p);                                                                           // get octave
        Return(R * Pow(2.0, (oct - 4) + (key - 9) / 12.0));                     // return frequency