
/Users/garethloy/Musimathics/Musimat1.2/MusimatChapter9/C091201e.cpp File Reference

#include "MusimatChapter9.h"

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 MusimatChapter9Section (C091201e)
Static Void para1 ()
Integer interpTendency (Real f, IntegerList L1, Integer Reference pos1, IntegerList L2, Integer Reference pos2, Integer inc)
Static Void para2 ()

Function Documentation

Integer interpTendency ( Real  f,
IntegerList  L1,
Integer Reference  pos1,
IntegerList  L2,
Integer Reference  pos2,
Integer  inc 

Definition at line 51 of file C091201e.cpp.

References cycle().

        Integer x = cycle(L1, pos1, inc);
        Integer y = cycle(L2, pos2, inc);
        Return(Integer(Round(unitInterp(f, x, y))));
MusimatChapter9Section ( C091201e   )

Definition at line 2 of file C091201e.cpp.

References para1(), and para2().

        Print("*** Interpolated Tendency Mask ***");
         Interpolated Tendency Mask
         We can produce a new row that is a mixture of two other rows. 
         Let's have a variable that varies continuously between 0.0 and 1.0 such that when it is 0.0, the out-
         put row is exactly the same as the first row; when it is 0.5, the output is exactly halfway between 
         the first and second; and when it is 1.0, the output is exactly the second row. For example, suppose 
         the first pitches in each row are 3 and 9, and the interpolation parameter is 0.5. Then the expected 
         result would be 6 because 6 lies halfway between the two values. If the interpolation parameter 
         were 0.0, we'd select 3, and if it were 1.0, we'd select 9.
         Table 9.5 shows what happens if row A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} and row B = {12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 
         2, 0}, and f  is set successively to 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0. When f = 0, we select the prime row, 
         when f = 1.0, we select the retrograde row, and in between, we select weighted mixtures.
         We use unit interpolation to find intermediate values that lie a certain distance between two 
         known points. If u is the upper bound and l is the lower bound and f  is a control parameter in the 
         unit distance from 0.0 to 1.0, then
         y = f * (u - l) + l
         sets y to a value close to u if 0 is close to f; it sets y to a value close to l 
         if f is close to 1; it sets y to a value exactly halfway between u and l if f = 0.5. 
         Below is the function for unit interpolation:
        para1(); // Step into this function to continue.
        para2(); // Step into this function to continue.
Static Void para1 (  )

Definition at line 35 of file C091201e.cpp.

         This is a Real function because f must be a Real to take on fractional values. 
         Here are some examples of calling this function.
        Print("*** Unit Interpolation ***");
        Print("unitInterp(0.1, 0, 10)=", unitInterp(0.1, 0, 10));
        Print("unitInterp(0.5, 0, 10)=", unitInterp(0.5, 0, 10));
        Print("unitInterp(0.9, 0, 10)=", unitInterp(0.9, 0, 10));
         When we use it  as follows, we convert the Real result back to an Integer by rounding:
Static Void para2 (  )

Definition at line 62 of file C091201e.cpp.

References interpTendency().

         This function can perform a couple of neat tricks. First, we can have the function return exactly L1 
         or L2 by setting f = 0.0 or f = 1.0, respectively. By setting f = 0.5, we get the average of the 
         two rows. By gradually changing the value of f from 0.0 to 1.0, we mutate L1, transforming it grad-
         ually until it becomes L2. Also, the lengths of L1 and L2 need not be the same. If L1 has a length of 
         5 and L2 a length of 6, it will take 5 Þ 6 iterations before the pattern repeats. Both lists use the same 
         increment, but redesigning this to use separate increments would provide for even more possibilities.
        IntegerList X(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60);
        IntegerList Y(9,   8,  7,  6,  5,  4, 3);
        IntegerList Z;
        Integer posX = 0;
        Integer posY = 0;
        Integer inc = 1;
        Integer i;
        Print("*** Interpolation Tendency ***");
        Print("First row: ", X);
        Print("Second row: ", Y);
        For ( i = 0; i < Length( X ); i = i + 1 ) {
                Z[i] = interpTendency(0.0, X, posX, Y, posY, inc);
        Print("interpTendency factor=0.0:", Z );
        posX = posY = 0; // reset to beginning
        For ( i = 0; i < Length( X ); i = i + 1 ) {
                Z[i] = interpTendency(0.5, X, posX, Y, posY, inc);
        Print("interpTendency factor=0.5:", Z );
        posX = posY = 0; // reset to beginning
        For ( i = 0; i < Length( X ); i = i + 1 ) {
                Z[i] = interpTendency(1.0, X, posX, Y, posY, inc);
        Print("interpTendency factor=1.0:", Z );
        posX = posY = 0; // reset to beginning
        For ( i = 0; i < Length( X ); i = i + 1 ) {
                Z[i] = interpTendency(Real(i)/Length(X), X, posX, Y, posY, inc);
        Print("interpTendency factor=(0.0 -> 1.0):", Z );